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What is the Lifestyle Program?

“The quality of our relationships determines the quality of our lives.”


Our goal here at Côta Vera is to redefine the term “community.” What if the community was not just a place, but a feeling or an idea? A program where activities, events, local resources, arts & culture, learning, and support all come together in an innovative way? Here at Côta Vera, we are working to make this happen. With plans to open our arms to the greater community, we hope to connect not only with Côta Vera neighbors but other South County neighbors. We hope to show that boundaries surrounding a master-planned community are non-existent and communities really are stronger when they come together as a whole. So many more resources and opportunities for learning, connecting, and supporting are available when communities come together in a large way. Here, we believe in inclusivity, and always will. The Lifestyle Program at Côta Vera will include things like…

  • Health and wellness driven programs
    • Outdoor fitness classes/events, cooking classes, mind and body wellness, etc.
  • Social Events
    • After a crazy (COVID) year, opportunities for connection and socializing are top of mind.
  • Interest groups
    • From our book club lovers to dog walking groups, we hope your favorite hobbies bring you to meet others.
  • Learning & Resources
    • Teaching about finances, gut health, or parenting tools are just a few examples of the things we might like to share.
  • Community Connection
    • Partnering with local organizations for the benefit of both parties. (Ex: Events/activities with the local YMCA, or supporting the local elementary school fundraiser)

And the list goes on….. We hope to share more soon

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